About Me

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Well hi there! My name is Michaela and I am a foodie. I can't help it, it's in my genes or something. You know what else is in my genes? Celiac Disease. So after years of trying to cope with it myself, I'm out to help other foodies learn to make yummy GF/paleo/primal dishes that taste just as good as the original. My pet peeves include anything that can be super-sized or that comes in "family size." I hate "convenience foods" and over-processed "food products." I believe that all food should be savored and enjoyed. My culinary heroes are: Alton Brown, Anthony Bourdain, Jamie Oliver, and Giada De Laurentiis. My guilty pleasures are York Patties and really good cheese like camembert or brie.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Oh the Long Weekend...

Oh, I apologize. The long weekend threw me off. I was going to post about hill running (I'll have that up a few Thursdays from now) and I was also going to post about barefoot running, which will be up this Thursday, I promise.

I did it again, folks. I tripped over the sidewalk. The sidewalks on my street are horribly jagged and this is the second time I fell and skinned my knee. Last time, it was Friday the 13th. This time, I can't blame it on the date. I will, however, blame it on the nasty sidewalks. I think they wanted both of my knees to be evenly skinned, but since it was cold and I was wearing long spandex, the other knee wasn't skinned as much. I'm working tirelessly on getting the taste of soap out of the reservoir of my Camelbak so that I can bring water with me wherever, and I don't have to run circles around my neighborhood so I can stop in for water and energy gel breaks. If anyone has any idea on how to actually do this, please let me know. Today, I dropped it in my washing machine with a ton of baking soda and put it on a warm cycle with two rinses. I hope this worked, but I think it still smells soapy.

I did nineteen miles today. Nineteen. I'm super proud. However, it never sounds like nineteen in my head. Whenever I do a long run, the distance I tell myself that I'm running always sounds like it came out of a Charles Dickens novel. I'm running ten-and-nine miles, today. I'm messing with my own head when I do this. Ten miles is easy. Nine also is, obviously, because it's less than ten. I always break down my mileage into smaller chunks so I don't psych myself out. Nineteen miles is far. Ten-and-nine miles is easy.

I'm cramming the protein, of course, although my mother's boyfriend just handed me a rather large vodka tonic, and I suppose I shall have to drink that. I'm definitely going to take another glucosamine before bed because the distance runs mess with my knees. I think that it's more of an IT Band thing, but you can never be too careful. I want to run for the rest of my life and I don't want to have to stop because my knees no longer have cartilage. That's a silly reason to have to stop if I can prevent it now. I think that my multivitamins have a joint support complex in them, as well, so I should be well-covered. I'm going to move my long run this week to Saturday, so if you don't mind, the next progress post will be a day early.

Much Love,


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