About Me

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Well hi there! My name is Michaela and I am a foodie. I can't help it, it's in my genes or something. You know what else is in my genes? Celiac Disease. So after years of trying to cope with it myself, I'm out to help other foodies learn to make yummy GF/paleo/primal dishes that taste just as good as the original. My pet peeves include anything that can be super-sized or that comes in "family size." I hate "convenience foods" and over-processed "food products." I believe that all food should be savored and enjoyed. My culinary heroes are: Alton Brown, Anthony Bourdain, Jamie Oliver, and Giada De Laurentiis. My guilty pleasures are York Patties and really good cheese like camembert or brie.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

And So It Begins...

I feel that an introduction is needed.

My name is Michaela. I'm 21 years old and I know two constants in my life: writing and running. I've been writing since middle school when I used to hide short stories in my science teacher's classroom. I've been running for a much shorter time than that. I started running on my high school's track team in my sophomore year; I was a sprinter and I failed miserably at it. Later on I was to realize that I'm more of a distance runner.

I'm also a barefoot runner and a Celiac, and I'm absolutely positive that these facts will influence almost everything I write. For those who don't understand the ins and outs of barefoot running, I'll be sure to explain everything in detail in a later post since I'm an adamant follower of the barefoot movement and I feel like the topic deserves its own column. As far as being a Celiac, it means I'm gluten intolerant and I can't eat grains. Therefore, I will be sure to offer up my recipes and tactics for "carbo-loading" before a run or a race without the use of bread, cereal, and the all-too-popular spaghetti.

I'm mostly writing this, however, because I'm running the Marine Corps Marathon at the end of October with my uncle, and I wanted a medium for the whole family to track my progress as we get closer and closer to the race. Although I plan to do a marathon a year for the next few years, this is my premier marathon and I'm pretty darn excited about it. I'll probably have something new every Sunday because those are my long run days so that everyone can get a feel for how well I'm doing.

As for my future fans who are not a part of my family-and-friend circle, I sincerely hope you enjoy the rest of my content, as well as my anecdotes of my progress (and failures; I'm finally fully recovered from introducing my face to the sidewalk while on a run -- on Friday the 13th, no less!)

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